Consuming Culture: A Holistic Approach to the Study of Food and Nutrition

Product Details
Author(s): Mary Shannon Willis
ISBN: 9781680753875
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2017
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Consuming Culture: A Holistic Approach to the Study of Food and Nutrition


Table of Contents

Chapter One: Culture Defined
Chapter Two: Holier Than Thou
Chapter Three: Food as Medicine, Medicine as Food
Chapter Four: Let's Talk Food
Chapter Five: Food Production, Preservation, And Transformation
Chapter Six: Getting Food And Eating It Too: On Food Acquisition And Consumption
Chapter Seven: Proteins, Carbohydrates And Fat: Where Are They Now?
Chapter Eight: Northern Europe
Chapter Nine: Europe - Western And Southern
Chapter Ten: Eastern Europe And Central Asia
Chapter Eleven: North & West Africa
Chapter Twelve: East, Central And Southern Africa
Chapter Thirteen: Middle East/Arabian Peninsula
Chapter Fourteen: East Asia
Chapter Fifteen: South And Southeast Asia
Chapter Sixteen: Australia And Oceania
Chapter Seventeen: North America
Chapter Eighteen: Central America & The Caribbean
Chapter Nineteen: South America
Chapter Twenty: The Future Of Food