Llaves 1
Product Details
Author(s): Jeffrey Longwell
ISBN: 9781644963708
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)
Overview of
Llaves 1

Llaves is an active learning program for Spanish. The word llaves in Spanish means “keys.” This program is based on the philosophy that, by proceeding through the program step-by-step, you will be presented with the keys to becoming a life-long learner of Spanish. The components of each chapter will provide keys to get started and open doors to discover the Spanish language and cultures of the communities in which it is spoken.
The overall learning objectives of the Llaves program align with the national World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages guided by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). These are to help you Communicate in Spanish, gain knowledge and understanding of Spanish-speaking Cultures, Connect with other disciplines (like your own major, and others) and acquire information in Spanish. Llaves will help you Compare what you are learning with things you are already familiar with, and, also develop insight into the nature of the Spanish language and its cultures. Finally, Llaves will help you actively participate in Spanish-speaking Communities locally and around the world.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 | Mis Llaves
Chapter 2 | Llaves
Chapter 3 | Llaves
Chapter 4 | Quiz
Chapter 5 | Llaves