Media Aesthetics: The Language of Visual Storytelling

Product Details
Author(s): Christopher Lee Strobel
ISBN: 9781644963623
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Media Aesthetics: The Language of Visual Storytelling


You’ve grown up with media. You’ve watched movies at the multiplex; cartoons and newscasts on television. Plenty of time binge streaming series on the computer and playing on the Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo. You’ve got social media on your phone alongside podcasts and YouTube and Netflix and Spotify and TikTok. Electronic media is everywhere and impacts nearly every aspect of our lives.


But you don’t want to just watch movies, listen to podcasts, or play videogames. You want to create them. And because there’s so much media around us you already know everything you need to know about how it works, right? Probably not. Will you know everything after reading this text? No – and you won’t know everything even after earning a four-year media degree and following that with a 50-year career, either. Media is constantly evolving with new story structures, new delivery methods, and new production technologies. That’s part of the fun about making media – every day brings something new.

Table of Contents

Introduction and Context


Field of View: The Frame

Aspect Ratios

Using the Frame and 2D Space

Field of View

Perceived Power

Depth and Volume

Stucture and Editing

Frame Rate and Motion

Energy Transfer in Editing

The Science of Light, Shadow, and Sounds

Lens Choice and Depth of Field

The Science of Sound

The Art of Light, Shadow, and Sound 

Chiaroscuro Lighting

Sound vs. Noise

Applied Media Aesthetics: Color
