Learn to Lead-Be an Effective Leader
Product Details
Author(s): E. Allan Lind, Sim B. Sitkin, Raymond D. Smith, Larry L. Fobes
ISBN: 9781644963111
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)
Overview of
Learn to Lead-Be an Effective Leader

This text is designed to teach you to lead. Our approach is skills-based. We believe, on the basis of decades of scientific research and from our own experiences teaching thousands of leaders in profit and nonprofit courses around the world, that if you develop the skills we teach here you will become a more effective leader. We have divided the skill sets that make a good leader into six categories—our “Six Domains of Leadership”—and we present each category of skills along with some tools that will help you put those leadership skills into practice. We also point out links between each domain of leadership and the effects it produces in followers, and this will allow you to approach your leadership challenges with a clear picture of what you need to do in any given situation. Using the skills included here, you will learn how to engender credibility, trust, community, high standards, initiative, and responsibility in those you lead. You will learn to be a more effective leader.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Six Domains of Leadership
Chapter 2: Personal Leadership: Preparing and Projecting Who You Are
Chapter 3: Relational Leadership: Shwoing Concern and Understanding
Chapter 4: Contexual Leadership: Clarifying Team Identity and Purpose
Chapter 5: Inspirational Leadership: Raising Expectations and Innovation
Chapter 6: Supportative Leadership: Providing Feedback and Protection
Chapter 7: Responsible Leadership: Modeling Ethics and Balance
Chapter 8: Leading Change