History of Mathematical Thought

Product Details
Author(s): Mary Kim Harris
ISBN: 9781680758672
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2019
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
History of Mathematical Thought


Table of Contents

Module 1: Ancient Numeration Systems

Module 2: Mathematics of Ancient Agypt

Module 3: Babylonian Mathematics

Module 4: Early Greek Mathematics- Before Euclid

Module 5: Euclid's Elements

Module 6: Greek Mathematics After Euclide

Module 7: Mathematics of Ancient India

Module 8: Mathematics of Ancient China

Module 9: Mathematics of the Islamic Empire

Module 10: Mathematics in the Medieval World

Module 11: Developing Algebra

Module 12: Mathematics and Astronomy

Module 13: Analytic Geometry

Module 14: The Development of Probability

Module 15: Overview of Number Theory

Module 16: Attempts to Prove the Parallel Postulate

Module 17: The Development of Calculus

Module 18: Leonard Euler (1707-1783)

Module 19: Carl Friedrich Gauss

Module 20: Women of Mathematics