Dancing Worlds

Product Details
Author(s): Kaustavi Sarkar
ISBN: 9781680757668
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2019
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Dancing Worlds


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Dance and Contexts: An Introduction

Chapter 2: Dance Across Cultures: Meanings and Premises

Chapter 3: Dance Studies: The Field

Chapter 4: Dance and Analysis Siegel/Foster

Chapter 5: Dance Technology

Chapter 6: Dance and Religion

Chapter 7: Dance and Epistemology

Chapter 8: Dance and Africanist Aethetics

Chapter 9: Dance in Asia

Chapter 10: Western Concert Dance

Chapter 11: Dance and Indigeneity

Chapter 12: Dance and Politics

Chapter 13: Dance in Popular Culture

Chapter 14: Social Dance

Chapter 15: Dance as a Global Phenomenon: Hip-Hop