Principles of Biochemistry

Product Details
Author(s): Brian Kalet, AARON SHOLDERS
ISBN: 9781644961780
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2019
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Principles of Biochemistry


About the Author

Aaron Sholders is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Colorado State University. He has won numerous teaching awards including the Board of Governors Excellence in Teaching and the N. Preston Davis Award for Instructional Innovation. His current research is directed at developing a Biochemistry Concept Learning Inventory. 

Aaron was interviewed on the podcast, Can I Get a Retake? by Great River Learning. Listen on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts. 


Table of Contents

Unit 1 Structural Biology

Chapter 1 | Laying the Foundation

Chapter 2 | Molecular Interactions in a Biological Context

Chapter 3 | Acid-Base Chemistry and the Limits of Biological Life

Chapter 4 | Amino Acids: The Building Blocks of Proteins

Chapter 5 | The Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins

Unit 2 Protein Function

Chapter 6 | Enzymes: The Catalyst of Biological Life

Chapter 7 | Enzyme Kinetics: Measuring and Comparing Enzymes' Abilities

Chapter 8 | Ligand Binding, Allostery, and Cooperativity

Chapter 9 | Membrane Proteins and Transport

Unit 3 Metabolism

Chapter 10 | Bionergetics and Metabolic Themes

Chapter 11 | Carbohydrate Metabolism

Chapter 12 | Metabolic Control

Chapter 13 | The Citric Acid Cycle

Chapter 14 | Oxidative Phosphorylation