Microbes and You

Product Details
Author(s): Camille Naaktgeboren
ISBN: 9781644962213
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Microbes and You


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 | Microbes and You

Chapter 2 | Foundations of Microbiology

Chapter 3 | The Chemistry of Biology

Chapter 4 | Techniques in Microbiology

Chapter 5 | Prokaryotic Cell Structure and Function

Chapter 6 | Eurkaryotic Microbes

Chapter 7 | Acellular Microbes

Chapter 8 | Micorbial Genetics

Chapter 9 | Microbial Metabolism

Chapter 10 | Microbial Growth and Nutrition

Chapter 11 | Microbial Interactions

Chapter 12 | Physical Methods and Chemical Agents for Microbial Control

Chapter 14 | Innate Immunity

Chapter 15 | Adaptive Immunity

Chapter 16 | Vaccines & Vaccination

Chapter 18 | Bacterial Diseases

Chapter 20 | Fungal, Protozoal, and Helminthic Diseases