Several advantages of Persuasion & Influence: Reception and Response-Ability, 14th Edition (ISBN #: 9781680758078) have become apparent since it came on the market a year ago. Perhaps the most useful feedback from students is that this revised text is one of the most easy- to- read textbooks they have ever encountered. Moreover, several unsolicited comments have indicated that they found the book surprisingly interesting and engaging. One said he wished he had started reading it sooner. Of course, that has been a characteristic of this book since I used its second edition as an undergraduate.
Much attention has been given to being adaptable to whatever the political, religious, or social environment in which this book is used. This book embraces Martin Buber’s approach of treating those who differ as human beings. Religious persuasion is considered at several points in this text.
This book is especially one of the best options for teaching persuasion online. It is especially suited to on-line courses because this edition has extensive digital resources not provided in prior editions that include quizzes, short answer exercises, and exams. These items can be scored easily without the need for an external learning management system like Blackboard or Canvas. It also provides a wide set of links to relevant video resources and clickable reference sources.
I was surprised this past summer when one of the best students in my online class told me that this text had changed his mindset about persuasion to see that he bears responsibility and has response ability in changing his world. This new edition retains its original definition of persuasion of being a cooperative process between the persuader and receiver rooted in Burke’s concept of identification, but it has a slightly new title adding the idea that students possess the ability to respond in meaningful ways. This includes the focus on response-ability—that is the capability of responding to unjust, illegal, or unethical persuasion. Much attention is given to considering a broad spectrum of voices across the political spectrum with special attention to religious perspectives, different cultures, and working-class individuals who have often been marginalized.
The new edition continues as one of the few persuasion texts to present a balanced view of persuasion that considers the traditional art of persuasion as well as the science of persuasion. More attention is given to making Plato’s focus on dialogue very relevant in today’s world. Special focus is placed on the nature of material facts in this climate of “fake news.” Distinctions are made among facts, estimations, and expert opinion. Increased focus is given to the credibility of media sources and their degree of bias.
Another distinction of this text is its dual focus of those persuading and those who are the receivers of the persuasion. Each chapter identifies sections that have value as protective tools for the receiver of persuasion. Problematic features of internet use are a special aspect of protecting oneself.
The Transparency-Response (T-RESPONSE) model goes into much greater practical application of persuasive ethics. This edition continues a focus on ethics with ethical issues raised in the context of every chapter plus a capstone on the new T-RESPONSE model now at the end of the book. Special attention is given to recent social movements such as the #MeToo movement, the Parkland High School safety movement, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the working class (we are the 99%) movement.
Advertising is the most changed chapter next to the ethics chapter since the last edition with it being radically altered by the new trend of digital native advertising. Social media and mobile advertising receive more attention in addition to a more contemporary focus on media and persuasion.
This edition includes many current trends from the commercial world from sources like Ad Age, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Wired magazine that are integrated with current academic scholarship. The digital resources that included in the price of the book include many more options than an instructor could use in a semester.
Finally, this book is more affordable than the 13th edition. For the first time, this text appears in color. It includes extensive digital resources for instructors and students for far less than the prior print version alone. It even more affordable when students purchase it directly from the publisher.
I am personally ( available to answer questions about this book. I have now used it in traditional face-to-face and online classes. I have used all 15 chapters and digital resources in a single class and have been more selective in others.
Although I have taken the lead on the revisions of this 14th edition. Charlie Larson has been actively involved in the revisions and editing of every chapter of this edition. It remains firmly rooted in the foundations he established when he wrote the first edition of this book during the turbulent era of the Vietnam War.
Joe Scudder
Distinguished Teaching Professor Northern Illinois University
CHAPTER 1 Influence, Persuasion, Compliance, and Self-Protection
CHAPTER 2 The Art of Persuasion: Engaging the Receiver’s World
CHAPTER 3 The Context, the Audience, and Market Segmentation
CHAPTER 4 Trust, Credibility, and Media Bias
CHAPTER 5 Memory, Attitudes, and Routes of Persuasion
CHAPTER 6 Persuasive Goals, Resistance, and Reasoned Action
CHAPTER 7 Perspective Taking in Persuasion: Verbal and Visual Symbolic Constructions
CHAPTER 8 Facts, Evidence, and Reason
CHAPTER 9 Human Needs and Motivations Useful for the Persuader and Receiver
CHAPTER 10 Persuasive Tools of Affect, Emotion, Mood, and Nonverbal Communication
CHAPTER 11 The New World of Persuasion in Advertising
CHAPTER 12 Persuasive Campaigns and Social Movements
CHAPTER 13 The Agenda-Setting Role of Media: Its Past, Its Promise, Its Dangers
CHAPTER 14 Influencers, Belief Systems, and Modern Propaganda
CHAPTER 15 The Transparency RESPONSE Model of Persuasive Ethics