Applied Reproductive Physiology of Mammals
Product Details
Author(s): Lindsay Lorraine Penrose, Samuel D Prien
ISBN: 9781680758771
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2019
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)
Overview of
Applied Reproductive Physiology of Mammals

We live in a changing world. Many of the things we now take for granted did not exist one-hundred years ago. The same can be said of production agriculture, where things like AI, estrus synchronization and embryo transfer have gone from scientific curiosities to mainstays of farm and ranch operations. Along the way there are always those forward thinking, trailblazers who take the risk and show the rest of us the benefits of incorporating new technologies into everyday use.
The authors would like to dedicate this book to one such operation, the RA Brown Ranch and its Patriarch and Matriarch, Rob and Peggy Brown. Not only has their forward thinking changed an industry, but their willingness to share has allowed educational opportunities to thousands of students through the years. Their forward thinking has been instilled in the family line and is well represented in the current ranch management team of Donnell and Kelli Brown and in their sons, who are the forward thinkers of the present and future.
Thanks to you all for your leadership and thank you for the support you have provided the authors’ students and research through the years.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - An Introduction to Reproduction
Chapter 2 - Endocrine
Chapter 3 - Neuroendocrine
Chapter 4 - Overview of Female Reproductive System
Chapter 5 - Puberty
Chapter 6 - Estrous Cycles
Chapter 7 - Follicular Development
Chapter 8 - Seasonal Reproduction
Chapter 9 - Male Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 10 - Oogenesis and Fertilization, The beginnings of life
Chapter 11 - Embryo and Fetal Development
Chapter 12 - Partition and Postpartum Period
Chapter 13 - Traditional Male ART
Chapter 14 - Traditional Female ART
Chapter 15 - Advanced ART