Introduction to Economics: Economics for the Rest of Us

Product Details
Author(s): Kenneth Baker
ISBN: 9781644960912
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Introduction to Economics: Economics for the Rest of Us


Table of Contents

  • CHAPTER 1: Introduction I: What Is Economics Anyway?
  • CHAPTER 2: Introduction II: Assumptions, Theories, and Models
  • CHAPTER 3: How Do Economists Do What They Do? Case Study: The Gender Pay Gap
  • CHAPTER 4: Markets I: The Basics of Supply and Demand
  • CHAPTER 5: Markets II: The Power of Markets and the Wonder of the Free Market System!
  • CHAPTER 6: Markets III: Maybe Markets and the Free Market System Isn’t So Wonderful!
  • CHAPTER 7: Special Topic: Economic Inequality
  • CHAPTER 8: Markets IV: Elasticity of Demand
  • CHAPTER 9: “The Economy” I: What Is “the Economy” and How Do We Measure It?
  • CHAPTER 10: “The Economy” II: Unemployment and the Labor Market
  • CHAPTER 11: “The Economy” III: Inflation and the Cost of Living
  • CHAPTER 12: “The Economy” IV: Modeling the Economy!
  • CHAPTER 13: Money I: Overview of the Financial System
  • CHAPTER 14: Money II: Money Supply and Banks
  • CHAPTER 15: Money III: Monetary Theory and Policy
  • CHAPTER 16: Economics and the Government I: Role of Government and Fiscal Policy
  • CHAPTER 17: Economics and the Government II: The Government Budget
  • CHAPTER 18: International Trade
  • CHAPTER 19: Economic Growth: The Alpha and Omega of Economics