Introduction to Philosophy
Product Details
Author(s): Antonio Donato
ISBN: 9781680757217
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2019
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)
Overview of
Introduction to Philosophy

Introduction to Philosophy offers an overview of the origin, nature, and goal of philosophy. The approach adopted in this course is historical. Central issues in philosophy are examined by analyzing their earliest and most basic formulations at the hands of the first Greek thinkers. These philosophers are considered in light of the context in which they lived in order to show that their theories arose out of the need to address people’s most pressing concerns. The course makes complex discussions and challenging notions more accessible by combining several teaching modes: recorded lectures, summaries, textual analyses, diagrams, and quizzes.
About the Author
Antonio Donato
Antonio Donato is an Associate professor of Medieval and Renaissance philosophy at Queens College, CUNY. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Padua and his PhD at the University of Oxford. Professor Donato held several visiting positions at various universities in the United States, including UC Riverside and UCLA. In 2014, he was awarded the New Directions fellowship by the Mellon Foundation; in 2019, he was a research fellow at the Netherland Institute of Advanced Studies. His research focuses on two main areas: Boethius and Renaissance utopianism. In his research, professor Donato aims to show how past thinkers are best understood when examined in light of the cultural, historical, and social context in which they lived. He is the author of Boethius’ “Consolation of Philosophy” as a Product of Late Antiquity (Bloomsbury, 2012) and Italian Renaissance Utopias (Palgrave, 2019).
Table of Contents
Unit 1 What is Philosophy?
Chapter 1 | Philosophy and Man's Fundamental Desire
Chapter 2 | Making Sense of Reality Before Philosophy
Chapter 3 | Why Was Philosophy Born in Greece in the 6th Century B.C.E? Who is the Philospher
Unit 2 How Does The Universe Work?
Chapter 4 | The Presocratics and the Milesians
Chapter 5 | Anaximander and Anaximenes
Unit 3 What is Knowledge?
Chapter 6 | Xenophanes
Chapter 7 | How Can We Reach the Truth? Heraclitus
Chapter 8 | Are Awake or Asleep? Parmenides
Unit 4 What Are The Features of Reality?
Chapter 9 | Change and Unity Herclitus
Chapter 10 | Parmenides' Account of Reality
Unit 5 Can Philosophers Change Society?
Chaper 11 | The Sophists and Their Time
Chapter 12 | Gorgias and thhe Power of Language
Chapter 13 | Socrates