Human Sexuality: Through a Psychological Lens

Product Details
Author(s): Joanna Gentsch
ISBN: 9781680755787
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2018
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Human Sexuality: Through a Psychological Lens


As a long-time instructor of a Psychology course focused on Human Sexuality, I have often struggled with finding the best way to approach the many diverse and complex topics in one brief semester. Layer this challenge with addressing sensitive and sometimes controversial issues, while also seeking an appropriate tone and you might have a glimpse into why I begin each class with a great deal of excitement and also a bit of trepidation. As you embark on this adventure, you might be feeling much the same way. Sex is one of the three subject areas that we are cautioned to avoid in polite conversation (politics and religion being the other two), yet in this text we will focus specifically on sex, and in many instances we will need to examine the intersection of all three taboo discussion topics. As a psychologist, my approach to this text is focused on viewing Human Sexuality, as the title points out, through a psychological lens. With that overview in mind, be aware that you won’t find any “how-to” chapters (that’s what the internet is for). Nor will you find extensive information on sexual anatomy, conception and contraception, STI’s, or other biologically-focused areas outside of the psychological issues that are related to these topics. What you will find is information on meaningful issues that may impact your life such as attraction, love and communication, sexual disorders, sex therapy, and sex and the law, all viewed through the perspective of psychological theory, application and practice.


In an era of “alternative facts” and in a topic area rife with myths and misinformation, what you will also find are vetted, quality resources providing information about the best way to fill in the missing pieces as well as ways to critically analyze what you do learn, grounded in history, guided by theory, and supported by science. This text is formatted to allow you to “go down the proverbial rabbit hole” and explore areas of interest in greater depth and through a variety of interactive mediums. View it as an extravagant buffet meal laden with every imaginable gourmet delight. As much as you want to fill up the plate right away, more than likely you take time to first assess the entire spread, and then pick and choose a little bit of each of your favorites, knowing that you can go back and get more at any time. As we begin this adventure, think of Chapter One as the walk around the buffet… shall we?

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 | The Nature of Human Sexuality

Chapter 2 | Theoretical Perspectives on Human Sexuality

Chapter 3 | Studying Human Sexuality: Seperating Fact from Fiction

Chapter 4 | Sexual Anatomy and Human Sexual Response

Chapter 5 | Gender: Psychological, Biological and Social Perspectives

Chapter 6 | Developmental Perspectives: Human Sexuality in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence

Chapter 7 | Developmental Perspectives: Sexuality in Adulthood

Chapter 8 | Sexual Orientation

Chapter 9 | Attraction, Romance, and Love

Chapter 10 | Intimacy, Communication, and the Dark Side of Love

Chapter 11 | Variations in the Human Sexual Experience: Causes, Controversies, and Consequences of Labeling

Chapter 12 | Sexual Problems, Dysfunction and Therapy

Chapter 13 | The Dark Side of Sex: Aggression, Coercion, Harassment, Victimization, and Assault

Chapter 14 | Sex and the Law: Regulating Sexuality and the Sexual Market Place