Principles of Physiology of Domestic Animals

Product Details
Author(s): Lindsay Lorraine Penrose, Samuel D Prien
ISBN: 9781680755565
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2018
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Principles of Physiology of Domestic Animals


Have you ever had your truck make a strange knock or sound you knew was not quite right?  How did you know? Because you knew how your vehicle sounds when it is working right. The important part is, what did you do?  Did you ignore it and hope it would get better, or did you get it looked at before it cost you lots of money?


Successful animal agricultural practices are based on having healthy animals. In simple terms, physiology can be thought of as what is happening in an animal's biology when everything is going right, and it is healthy. Why should the producer have to learn physiology? Because just like your equipment, the sooner you recognize you have a problem with an animal, the better.  This means that the animals will be healthier, improving both the animal's welfare and the operation's productivity.  Further, it generally costs less to fix issues when caught early. Understanding normal physiology will allow you as a producer to develop practices that improve animal welfare, operation efficiency, and improve your bottom line.


This book was designed to be a practical introduction to animal physiology.  The goal is to provide the animal scientist with an overview of livestock animals' natural physiology and practical examples that can be applied directly to the production world.    

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: An Overview of Physiology

Chapter 2: It All Starts with the Cells

Chapter 3: Water and Its Role in Physiology

Chapter 4: Thermoregulation and Body Temperature

Chapter 5: Body Communication I: The Hormones

Chapter 6: Body Communication II: The Nervous System

Chapter 7: Special Senses: What Makes Them Special?

Chapter 8: Muscles: How They Function and What They Do

Chapter 9: The Heart and Circulatory System: Subway System of the Body

Chapter 10: The Respiratory System: More than just Lungs

Chapter 11: Blood and its Functions: Cells, Fluids, and a Whole Lot More

Chapter 12: Immunity: Fighting off the Infections

Chapter 13: Kidney and Urinary: A Place for Waste

Chapter 14: Digestion and Absorption: Break it Down and Move it in

Chapter 15: Reproduction: Making the Next Generation

Chapter 16: Metabolism & Growth: Physiology Across Life