Human Sexual Biology

Product Details
Author(s): Winnifred M Bryant
ISBN: 9781680753356
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2017
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Human Sexual Biology


The objectives of this text are as follows: 

  • Gives you practical knowledge about the physiological processes underlying human reproduction and facilitates your understanding of the importance of reproduction to the continuation of the species. This textbook will be a vital tool in helping you to accomplishing this objectives. The specific audience for this text is s the non-science majors
  • Increases your overall scientific literacy—that is, your understanding of scientific concepts, the role science plays in personal life and society, and how science contributes to culture
  • Makes you a better advocate for your own health and the health of those you care abou

About the Author
Winnifred M Bryant

I'm a native of Georgia, but you may not be able to catch the accent—at least not right away.  I attended Shorter University and graduated in 1993 with a BS in Biology (minored in Chemistry).  I earned my MS and PhD in Zoology at Miami University (Ohio) where I studied the regulation of prolactin secretion. I completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center and came to UWEC Biology Department in 2004.


I teach a number of courses besides Human Sexual Biology, including: Animal Physiology, Endocrinology, Human A&P, Reproductive Physiology and Foundations in Biology II.  Teaching is an awesome experience and I look forward to sharing that passion with you!


My research focuses on environmental estrogens and the role they may play in the progression of breast and uterine cancer.


I do “regular” things in my spare time: I like to read (I’m an avid fan of Stephen King), travel (I want to retire in Europe!), and spend time with friends and listen to live music.  My favorite TV show is the Walking Dead.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Reproductive Strategies in Animals

Chapter 2: The Cellular Basis of Life

Chapter 3: Mitosis-Cellular Reproduction

Chapter 4: Meiosis, Cell Division for Sexual Reproduction

Chapter 5: DNA Structure and the Flow of Genetic Information

Chapter 6: Inheritance

Chapter 7: Puberty

Chapter 8: Reproductive Anatomy

Chapter 9: Reproductive Physiology

Chapter 10: Sexual Response Cycles

Chapter 11: Fertilization and Human Development During Pregnancy

Chapter 12: Childbirth and the Neonate Period

Chapter 13: Sexual Health (Sexually Transmitted Infections)

Chapter 14: Family Planning