We hear music everywhere. We can’t imagine a world without music, whether it’s passive listening on your drive to work or school, moving to music through dance, or putting on your favorite band/singer when the mood calls. We even self-identify by the music we listen to, and often learn about others by the music they listen to. While running the risk of over generalizing, I would say that music has a fairly important role in our lives, whether we recognize this or not.
Music is also a means of exploration, of discovering new ideas, and yes, new cultures. In this class, we will experience music on many levels, discuss how these various styles define a culture, and how music from our own background can create in us a sense of personal and cultural identity.
The emphasis of this course will be on listening: You will listen to recorded music and videos. In addition, you will have the pleasure of attending outside concerts and participating in the musical life of your community--We want to give you the chance to discover new music to love and learn more about the music you already know!