Everyday Chemistry

Product Details
Author(s): Jessica Bonjour
ISBN: 9781680752199
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2016
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Everyday Chemistry


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Science in Your Life...or Not?

Chapter 2: What is Chemistry?

Chapter 3: The Numbers of Science

Chapter 4: The Building Blocks on the World--The Atom

Chapter 5: Let's Build Houses! Compounds and Molecules

Chapter 6: Opposites Attract-Ionic Bonding

Chapter 7: Sharing is Caring-Covalent Bonding

Chapter 8: As Simple as H and C-Hydrocarbons

Chapter 9: Let's Add Some Personality! Functionalized Hydrocarbons

Chapter 10: The Many Quirks of H2O

Chapter 11: Sour or Bitter? Acids and Bases