Intermediate Managerial Accounting Interactive Workbook

Product Details
Author(s): Christine Denison, Sue Ravenscroft
ISBN: 9781680753660
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2017
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Intermediate Managerial Accounting Interactive Workbook


Table of Contents

Module 1

Chapter 1-1 Managerial Accounting Fundamentals

Chapter 1-2 The Cost Function

Chapter 1-3 Short-Term Decision making

Chapter 1-4 CVP Analysis

Chapter 1-5 Basic Investment Analysis

Chapter 1-6 The Operating Budget

Chapter 1-7 Cash Budgeting

Chapter 1-8 Flexible Budgeting

Chapter 1-9 Kaizen Budgeting

Chapter 1-10 Variance Analysis

Chapter 1-11 Job Costing

Chapter 1-12 Spoilage and Rework

Module 2

Chapter 2-13 Process Costing

Chapter 2-14 Normal Costing and Overhead Disposal

Chapter 2-15 Joint Cost Allocation

Chapter 2-16 Service Department Allocation

Module 3 

3-17 Advanced Investment Analysis

3-18a Long-Run External Pricing 

3-18b Short-Run External Pricing

3-18c Transfer Pricing

3-19 Optimum Product Mix