Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns

Product Details
Author(s): Rebecca Lynn Cooney
ISBN: 9781680753448
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2016
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns


About the Author
Rebecca Lynn Cooney

Rebecca L. Cooney, M.S. is a professional communicator with more than 25 years of strategic communication experience in conceptual design, implementation, monitoring and metrics of comprehensive integrated projects and campaigns for traditional media and digital platform initiatives. In addition to her ongoing activities in industry, she is a Clinical Associate Professor of Strategic Communication with an emphasis in public relations and digital media and serves as the Director of Murrow Online Programs for The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University (WSU). She is also a Research Associate with a collaborative natural product and drug interaction grant sponsored by the Natural Institutes of Health in partnerships with the pharmaceutical colleges at the University of Washington and WSU called NaPDI – Center for Natural Product-Drug Interaction Brand Materials.

Rebecca joined the Murrow faculty in 2012 and teaches a full load of undergraduate and graduate courses focused on integrated communications, writing for public relations, digital marketing campaigns, brand and consumer insights, employee communications and advertising. She holds a BA in communications from California State University Sacramento and an MS degree in communications from Eastern Washington University.


Before WSU she spent more than 10 years in higher education administration in leadership roles for marketing and university relations, business development, website coordination and regional communication initiatives. She also worked in corporate as director of marketing for an international educational travel company and served as an adjunct professor at two universities. She started her career at a full-service ad agency and continues to grow in the areas of strategic communications, integrated communications, public relations, brand and message platforms and digital communications.

Rebecca is married with four children and resides in Pullman, WA. She considers herself a lifelong learner and finds experiential learning opportunities to be the most beneficial and applicable to everything she does.