Native American Music

Product Details
Author(s): Melissa Dee Parkhurst
ISBN: 9781680753233
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2016
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Native American Music


Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Native Peoples in North America
  • Chapter 2: Traditional Ways of Knowing, and the War Waged by Boarding Schools
  • Chapter 3: The Northwest Coast
  • Chapter 4: The Northwest Plateau
  • Chapter 5: Alaska
  • Chapter 6: The Great Plains
  • Chapter 7: The Great Basin
  • Chapter 8: California
  • Chapter 9: The Southwest
  • Chapter 10: The Southeast
  • Chapter 11: The Northeast
  • Chapter 12: Powwows and Intertribalism
  • Chapter 13: Contemporary Musicians
  • Chapter 14: Repatriation and Cultural Revitalization
  • Chapter 15: Knowledge and Self-Representation