Introduction to Business Law: A Survey of Business Law and the Legal Environment of Business

Product Details
ISBN: 9781680753073
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2016
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Introduction to Business Law: A Survey of Business Law and the Legal Environment of Business


The study of Business Law is an intriguing and exciting topic.  Business Law will fascinate you!   This text is designed to provide all students with an overview of the primary legal concepts of business law principles as pertaining to the individual or business in a personal or corporate setting.  From this text, you will build on skills at improving your critical thinking, understanding major principals of law and the American legal environment, making personal and business decisions considering any legal ramifications, and expending your general legal knowledge. We will discuss fundamental principals of law and their primary factors as they relate to personal rights, labor and employment, business formation, property ownership, business transactions, environment, and consumer protection.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 | Critical Thinking/Logical Thinking

Chapter 2 | Introduction to Law & the Legal Environment of Business

Chapter 3 | The American Legal System

Chapter 4 | Alternative Tools of Disbute Resolution

Chapter 5 | Constitution Principles

Chapter 6 | The Law of Torts

Chapter 7 | Product and Service Liability Laws

Chapter 8 | Business Ethics, Social and Personal Responsibility, and the Law

Chapter 9 | Law of Property: Real, Personal, and Intellectual

Chapter 10 | The Law of Contracts and Sales

Chapter 11 | Agency Law?

Chapter 12 | Law and Business Organizations

Chapter 13 | Law of Human Resources: Employment Relationship

Chapter 14 | Law of Human Resources: Employment Discrimination

Chapter 15 | Environmental Law

Chapter 16 | Consumer Protection and the Laws of Debtor-Creditor Relations