Introduction to Criminal Justice: A Humanistic Perspective

Product Details
Author(s): Robert L Bing
ISBN: 9781680752595
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2016
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Introduction to Criminal Justice: A Humanistic Perspective


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Crime and Justice in the United States

Chapter 2: Crime Data, Measurement and Victimization

Chapter 3: How Do We Explain Crime?

Chapter 4: Issues in Criminal Law

Chater 5: History and Structure of Law Enforcement

Chapter 6: Type of Policing

Chapter 7: Police Issues and Ethical Concerns

Chapter 8: The Court System

Chapter 9: Plea bargaining, the Courtroom Workgroup and the Trail

Chapter 10: Sentencing and the History of the Prison System and the Death

Chapter 11: Prisons and Jails

Chapter 12: Prison Life

Chapter 13: Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections

Chapter 14: Juveniles in Crime?

Chapter 15: Victims of Crime