Ted Stank is the Bruce Chair of Excellence in Business and the lead Professor of the SCM program at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville (B.S. from U.S. Naval Academy; Ph.D. from University of Georgia).  He is co-author of over 100 articles and five books, and works extensively on applied research, executive education, and consulting in various supply chain management strategy areas.  Ted served as Chair of the Board of Directors of CSCMP in 2014-2015 after serving on the board for the previous 8 years.


Prior to his academic career, Ted served as an operations officer in the U.S. Navy and worked in sales and marketing for Abbott Laboratories Diagnostic Division.


He coached his 3 sons in lacrosse all the way through high school, taking 3rd place in state of TN varsity lacrosse 2009.  He also sings lead vocals in a cover rock and roll band.  He is not likely to quit his day job to pursue either of these interests full time, however.