Wilson Lowrey is a professor in the Department of Journalism & Creative Media at the University of Alabama. After working close to a decade for newspapers, at the Atlanta Constitution and the Athens (Ga.) Banner-Herald, Lowrey earned his Ph.D. at the University of Georgia’s Grady College in 2000, where he taught editing and information graphics courses. Lowrey worked several years at Mississippi State University before taking a position in the University of Alabama journalism department in 2003. At Alabama, Lowrey has taught news editing, beginning journalism courses and graduate courses. He also started the College’s Media Writing Center. Years of working in, and teaching about, news media honed Lowrey’s knowledge of grammar. However, he would not know his adverbial clauses from his participle phrases without the help of his seventh-grade English teacher, Florence Flanders, who taught him the beauty of a well-diagrammed sentence.