Dr. Yuen “Yolanda” Tsang
Dr. Yuen “Yolanda” Tsang is a geographer, an educator, and a mapmaker with a doctoral degree in Geospatial Information Science from the University of Texas at Dallas, and master’s degree in Applied Geography with concentration in Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) and a minor in Public Administration at University of North Texas (UNT). After a brief period working in the GIS department for the Air Quality Group of the Environment Protection Department (HKEPD) of Hong Kong Government, she has been teaching Geography and GIS courses in various colleges and universities in Texas since 2005. She is currently working as an assistant professor and the program coordinator of the Geography and GIS program at Tarleton State University in Texas. She has been involved in different collaborative GIS research projects with the City Planning Department of City of Roanoke, the Northeast campus of Tarrant County College, Timberlake Biological Field Station, and more. Her teaching philosophy is to encourage students to appreciate and treasure all created things on this earth through the lens of creative geography and GIS.