Aracely Newton, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, MO. She was raised in Kansas City, KS and graduated with dual BS degrees in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Missouri, Kansas City. She completed her doctoral studies at the University of Kansas Medical Center in collaboration with the Stowers Institute for Medical Research in Kansas City, MO. Under the mentorship of Peter Baumman, PhD, her dissertation studies investigated the reproduction of parthenogenetic whiptail lizards (genus Aspidoscelis). Postdoctoral studies took Dr. Newton to Harvard University in Cambridge, MA to the laboratory of Cassandra Extavour, PhD, where she studied arthropod-plant relationships. Dr. Newton’s professional activities include teaching nonmajors Biology and Anatomy & Physiology to undergraduates and creating engaging classroom and laboratory activities for non-majors biology students.