Lee Anne Peck, Ph.D. is professor emerita of journalism and media studies at University of Northern Colorado, Greeley. She currently teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in media ethics by special appointment for COlorado State University, Fort Collins. Lee Anne Peck's professional experience began in the 1970's; she continues to freelance and has worked for both online and print news organizations.

Her doctoral degree from Ohio University is in Journamism Ethics; her dissertation examined the effects of one media ethics course on students' ethical decision-making abilities. Peck's masters degree in philosoghy is also from Ohio University. Her thesis, "Foolproof or Foolhardy? Ehical Theory in Beginning Reporting Texts," examined the worthiness of minimal explanations of theory in the textbooks. Peck also has a Master's degree in English (Colorado State University) and in Mass Communication (University of South Florida). Her B.A. is in technical journalism (CSU).