Author Bio Dr. Stacy A. Griffin:

Dr. Stacy A. Griffin is an educator, literacy consultant, and author. As an educator, Dr. Griffin  has been an elementary school teacher, literacy coach, literacy specialist, curriculum and  instructional specialist, online course developer, adjunct professor, affiliate professor,  and student teacher supervisor. She is currently an adjunct professor at California State University, Long Beach in the Department of Teacher Education, the Liberal Studies  Department, the Reading Authorization Program, and the Dual Language Development Master’s Program. 

Additionally, Dr. Griffin is an independent literacy consultant and an Instructional Leader at Project Social Justice through Language, Literacy, and Leadership at UCLA Center X. She provides interactive professional development workshops for educators and administrators to deepen their understanding of best practices in literacy, integrate cognitive and social constructivism with digital learning, and differentiate instruction for diverse learners. 
As an author, Dr. Griffin has written language arts and history/social science texts for preservice teachers. She has been the book reviewer for The California Reader since 2014. Furthermore, Dr. Griffin has been a speaker at the California Reading Association Annual Conference and has presented research at the local, state, and national levels. Her work and service have been recognized by the educational community.