My roots are in Syracuse NY, but I have called Texas home since 1999. I relocated here after completing a BA in Media Studies and of course, Philosophy. Fortunately, this expensive education qualified me to operate a UPS truck and so for the next 20 years I became intimately familiar with the highways and side streets of Dallas-Fort Worth. In time I would complete a Master of Science in Communication Studies at the University of North Texas. This eventually led to my teaching part-time as an Adjunct Instructor for Tarrant County College in 2013. I was granted a rare opportunity to take an abbreviated retirement from UPS in 2017, so I Joined Tarrant County College on a permanent full-time basis in 2017.


In addition to my professional responsibilities on campus, I am proud to be one of the leading advocates for free speech in the district. I founded a student organization committed to realizing those principles in 2019 called the Free Speech Initiative. In addition, I also work with the Engaged Learning Institute on campus to upgrade and implement new teaching methods.